china sex syndrome

The last time I saw the legendary comedian Patrice O’Neal was in the summer of 2011. I had gotten a last minute gig opening for him at Stand Up Live in Phoenix, Arizona. He was magnificent. Every show was full of new material and thoroughly hilarious. At these events Patrice seemed relaxed and on top of his game, with his fans (more like acolytes) deliriously happy with his performances. However, it all took a weird turn near the end of the weekend, when he and I got into a bit of a verbal spat.

I won’t go into a lot of detail, since the man’s not here defending himself, but on many occasions Patrice stated that he found Asians (particularly Chinese) incredibly annoying and their cultural habits objectionable. I have to admit I didn’t like some of his racist allegations, but he did make me laugh a lot!

Looking back, I wish he was still alive and blasting out more critiques about China and its culture… So what does all this have to do with my sex stories? Plenty.

Not to judge anyone’s imaginary life — but by golly, when I was working at the Taboo Video shop I could not believe the fact that among my Chinese customers, the number one porn fantasy was fucking on the job. Really? Even in a sexual dream, you guys can’t let that work shit go?

It’s a common stereotype that Asians are hard and diligent over-workers. But in my opinion, the real reason they choose working all the time is to avoid looking at their personal problems. While parents end up slaving away for crazy long hours, they in turn pressure and guilt their kids into doing things they don’t want to do. What’s been happening in China and overseas over the last decade proves to me that they’re spreading their bitter, sleepless lifestyle across the planet. What kind of people are you, if you can’t relax and let yourself go in the fantasy world? A bunch of miserable fucking twats, that’s what! Learning to integrate an “odd” fantasy realm equals a happier and freer life. At least that’s my theory!

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(End note:)
H.P. Lovecraft, considered by many as the greatest horror writer of his time, was terrified by Chinese people in early 20th century New York City. While Lovecraft held that the Chinese were extremely smart and good at making money, he didn’t believe they had any souls. Their foreign language, “grotesque” food displays in the open markets, and alien manners terrified him. Imagine that! Mr. Horror was horrified by Chinese! Lovecraft wrote, “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.” 

He just didn’t understand Chinese people, and this phobia was never resolved. To me, there is a lot of truth in what Lovecraft said. And if only the Chinese had more imaginative and relatable porn fantasies, there wouldn’t be any need for Patrice’s smackdown of their entire way of life!